Influences on our film opening


There have been many films that have influence some of the decisions we have made towards our own film. The main film that has helped us in making our film has been James Bond. The reason for this is that it has a similar narrative to our original idea so we tried to take bits from the film and encorperate it in to our own work. For example in Jams Bond films when there is a chase scene in the film the camera is always cutting back and forth from charecter to chartecter. This is what i tried to do whils editing the chase scene as it sets the pace for the whole scene and rest of the film. The reason this editing technique is effective is that it keeps the target audience interest in what is going on. If the opening scene was boring then the viewer may stop watcing before its even started.

Another common thing we found with our genre of opening scenes is that there is a lot of enigma codes left in the opening scene. This is what we tried to do with ours and that is why we left it on some form of cliffhanger.


Feedback on pitch to class:
The feedback we received from the class was very mixed but all of the feedback has helped us in some way so we can make our film opening as good as possible. The main thing that was asked about our pitch to the class was how we were going to achieve the chase scenes through London. Their main problem with it was that there was going to be a lot of people where we were planning on filming. Because of this we had to think long and hard about how we could make the scene effective. After thinking about it for a while we changed the location of where we were going to film so that is would not be as busy but keep the same effect that we wanted it to have. This piece of feedback helped us a lot as without it we could have been trying to record a chase scene in the busiest part of London which would lose the effect of the whole opening scene.
Another piece of feedback we got from the class was that they liked the fact that the hacker in the opening scene was a girl. We were glad to hear this as we thought about having a female hacker because it has never been done before. To hear that everyone liked it was good as it made us feel more confident about our opening scene as people like the idea of a female hacker.
These were the two main bits of feedback we got. The rest of the feedback was smaller questions about how we were going to do certain things. A lot of these questions helped us tweak the minor things in our opening so that it visually looks good but also makes sense to the viewer.

Prop list:
White Shirt
Black Tie

Spy Jargon that helped Max write the script:

Dry Clean

Actions agents take to determine if they are under surveillance

A spy operating without cover or backup
To delete specific material or revise a report or other document to prevent the identification of intelligence sources and collection methods

A person unofficially employed by an intelligence service, often as a source of information

Black Operations

Covert operations that are not attributable to the organization performing them


Speech 1: Starbucks Richard and Max watching Drea.

Richard: Target sighted at 1100 hours, shall we proceed?
Beth: Proceed with caution, she may be volatile.
Richard: 10:4
Max: We need to move, now!

Speech 2: Chase scene through Piccadilly Circus

Drea: Back up is required, Repeat back up is required!

Speech 3: When Drea gets on the (bus/train) at Piccadilly

Richard: Damn we lost her!

Shooting schedule:

On a Sunday
Beth, Drea, Max and Richard
Locations:Chelmsford London Liverpool Street Piccadilly Circus

9:15 – meet at Chelmsford station.
9:20 – buy the train tickets.
9:30 – train departs to London Liverpool Street.
10:14 –train arrives in London Liverpool Street (duration 44 minutes.)
10:25 –train departs from London Liverpool Street (Piccadilly and Bakerloo lines.)
10:43 –train arrives in Piccadilly Circus.
10:45-12:00– filming the middle shots in Piccadilly Circus.
12:00-12:30– LUNCH TIME!!!
12:30-1:00 –filming in an alley way in Piccadilly Circus.
13:10 –train departs to London Liverpool Street.
13:28 –train arrives in London Liverpool Street.
13:30-14:00 - filming inside Starbucks, first shot.
14:00-15:00 filming inside London Liverpool Street station.
15:00-15:30– Beth on the train filming Drea getting on from the inside, Max and Richard on the platform filming Drea getting on from the outside, shot reverse shot (we will get split up.)
16:00 – ALL meet back at London Liverpool Street.
16:02- train departs to Chelmsford.
16:43 –train arrives in Chelmsford.


13:10 – Beth on a bus filming Drea getting on from the inside, Max and Richard on the pavement filming Drea getting on from the outside, shot reverse shot (we will get split up.)
13:20- Bus arrives at the next stop.
13:30- ALL meet back at London Liverpool Street.
13:30-14:00 - filming inside Starbucks, first shot.
14:00-15:00 filming inside London Liverpool Street station.
15:00-15:30– Beth on the train filming Drea getting on from the inside, Max and Richard on the platform filming Drea getting on from the outside, shot reverse shot (we will get split up.)
16:00 – ALL meet back at London Liverpool Street.
16:02- train departs to Chelmsford.
16:43 –train arrives in Chelmsford.